Discover our activities
On this page you can find information about activities that we promote or are involved in.
If you have a proposal contact us!
Further promoted activities
European Youth Event (EYE) - 2023
We will be at the next European Youth Event on 9-10 June 2023 in Strasbourg! We have been selected to organize an activity entitled"Artificial intelligence and Web 3.0: a journey into the future of Europe"
ASviS Festival 2023
For the 4th year in a row we are organizing an activity within the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by ASviS.
The event, entitled“Immigration and citizenship rights, the future of Italy between the economy and denied rights" will be held on May 20th
10 policies for the future, ideas and proposals to revive the country.
These ideas are the result of a working group carried out in partnership with 20 other associations, coordinated by Generazione Itaca.
Simulations of the European Parliament
We organize simulation activities of the work of the European Parliament, aimed at groups of students or informal groups.To participate in a simulationcontact us!
A Pact for Europe
We call for a real commitment to EU reform, to a European future that is capable of addressing global challenges, while safeguarding our fundamental values.
University Internships
Thanks to the agreements signed with many Italian universities, it is possible to carry out a university curricular internship at our association!
Contact us to find out if your University is already affiliated
Guidance Tutor for EU Opportunities
We are active in promoting more information about EU opportunities for young people and for this reason we have set up a mentoring project in Italian Institutes. Contact us!
Local EYE Forlì
17-19 May 24
We are organizational partners of Local EYE 2024 in Italy!
Discover with us the activities that we organize and come and meet us!
If you have no way to attend the event, no problem, some activities are also available online!
High school Internships
Thanks to the experience gained in 5 years of activity in schools, we offer the opportunity to carry out a path of PCTO within the association.
European Youth Initiative
We are happy to announce that we have joined the network promoted by the French association "Agora". On 22-23 May 24 in Strasbourg we will have the opportunity to take part in the first European Agora!